Thursday, 21 November 2019
Seeing the Queen's son in Waitangi
In Waitangi we went to go see the Queen's son and in name is Prince charles. It was pretty cool seeing him and listening to his speech but before he came we had to wait for ages like 2 hours for him to arrive and we didn't eat the whole day. Then later on after his speech we stood up and had a big stretch and at Waitangi Te rou pou manawa o kawakawa the school roopu did the haka powhiri to welcome Prince charles it was cool to watch them then we went back to school we had our lunch but then the bell rang so it was sad because we only had a little bit of eating time so I had to go home.
Monday, 18 November 2019
going to my friends house in the weekends
In the weekends I went over to my friends house and my friends name is Nikau it was so cool going ti his place because we got to go for a swim and me and Nikau went for a swim three times.
We went to tirohanga on saturday,taumarere and paihia on sunday we went to paihia with my mum and dad because he rang me and asked if I wanted to go so me and Nikau went wich was fun.
The water was quite chilly but when we got used to the water it was nice and warm and if we'd hop out of the water for and went back in it was cold but then we got used to the water again.
Later on when we went to paihia with my mum and dad we had a swim wich was our third swim. Then after that we went to countdown and got some lollies and ice blocks.Then later on we dropped of Nikau back to his house then "I said later Nikau see you at tomorrow at school" and his response was " yo later g" then that was the end of my weekend.
We went to tirohanga on saturday,taumarere and paihia on sunday we went to paihia with my mum and dad because he rang me and asked if I wanted to go so me and Nikau went wich was fun.
The water was quite chilly but when we got used to the water it was nice and warm and if we'd hop out of the water for and went back in it was cold but then we got used to the water again.
Later on when we went to paihia with my mum and dad we had a swim wich was our third swim. Then after that we went to countdown and got some lollies and ice blocks.Then later on we dropped of Nikau back to his house then "I said later Nikau see you at tomorrow at school" and his response was " yo later g" then that was the end of my weekend.
Monday, 16 September 2019
In the weekend
In the weekends I had to do my nans lawn and my lawns I got so tied I wanted a big rest because my nans lawn was huge so I had to do it but I wanted to do it because I was going to get paid. When I started to the mow the lawns It was had to push the mower so I ask my dad if I could use his mower because the mower that I was using its to hard to push. So after that I used my dads mower then he used the mower that I was using before then he was mowing mowing and suddenly the mower stopped then my dad tried to start it again but it didn't go so he went to go to my other nans place and got her mower so I kept on mowing and by the time he got back I started from the pole all the way across to the clothes line and that was a good record and my dad was so surprised because by the time he left to get the mower he thought that I was going to stop straight away but NOPE!! I just kept on going.
Monday, 2 September 2019
free writing
Rainbows end
Last saturday me and my team went to rainbows end in separate groups so we didn't get lost. At 1:00 we had to meet at the stage for prize giving but I forgot to go because I was still on the rides. I went on the power surge,roller coaster,gold rush,bumper cars and the invader all of those rides were fun and I wish that I could go again with my friends. All I got for prize giving was lollies,a certificate and lynx. I got the certificate for making space for my team to go through and get the try for me the power surge was the scariest ride I've been on but if I went on the Stratosphere I would of been scared as.The power surge is like the 2nd scariest because it looks like and feels like that your going to fall off your seat but the seat are locked on so tight so you can't fall off. The thing that makes me get not scared to go on the power surge I just close my eyes and go to sleep and that makes the ride more fun to me but the scariest ride of all of them is the Stratosphere because it goes so high and after awhile it goes upside down.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
going to rainbows end
On saturday me and my rugby team are going to rainbows end to celebrate that we won the last rugby game on saturday and we won against kaikohe so since we won we are going on a road trip to rainbows end but me and my family are going on friday because we can just sleep at my nanny's place. I just can't wait until we go to rainbows end because i've only been there 1 time so i'll be able to go again.
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Fun run
The sun was shining down on us as we walked to the train station to go to our school fun run but the fun thing was is that me and my friends just walk the whole way and we silly salmond into the mud and had a mud fight and we walked that long it took us until the year eight and we relaxed on the tiers because they were part of the obstacle so we just relaxed and waited.

Monday, 12 August 2019
Going to my Nan's tangi
Last week my Nan had past away it was very sad to see my Nan in a coffin but also I feel sad for my nana because her mum past away and that was my nan and now she lives alone in her house.On the day she was getting buried my family wanted to say a goodbye even me and that was the worse part saying goodbye when I said goodbye I started crying because when I go to my nans house I won't be able to see her there because when I go to my nanas I always see her doing her wordsearch or just sitting on the couch but the thing I'm always gonna miss about her is her smile I always like her smiling at me and that the thing i'm always gonna miss and always never gonna forget.Before she was gonna get buried my brothers,sister and mum shared some memories about my our nan but I didn't say anything because I was to shy.After my family shared some memories we picked her up in her coffin I cried heaps because I'm gonna miss her when I don't see her at my nanas so we buried her and after that we went back to the marea and had a feed but the cool thing about going to the tagi was I got to see my sister.
Monday, 5 August 2019
Northland taniwha coming to our school
2 weeks ago on friday at lunch time the northland taniwha came to Kawakawa primary school. It was pretty cool to see them at our school because we got to play rugby with them but I didn't want to play rugby so I just played hacky with my friend because I already played rugby before they even got here but then after awhile this lady recorded one of the players in northland taniwha and put that video on 1 news and in the background you could just see me on my friends back and then I was excited to go home and see me on the news. When I went home my dad told me to put on the news so I put it on and then I waited to here if the news people said Northland taniwha so i could see me on t.v.
Monday, 24 June 2019
setting my room up
Every Monday morning we get to write what ever we want for only 20 minutes and this is mine for this week.
In the weekend me and my mum set up my new room because before I didn't have a room I used to have a bed but I gave it to my Nan so I slept on the with my mum and dad but since now my sister left to Dunedin and my brothers went to Hamilton boys high.First my brothers went to Hamilton then after a while my sister left to Dunedin to go to university I had to sleep in my brothers room first then when my sister left I set up my new room my mum helped me and now I have a bed and a room and now my sisters room is called the gaming room because my mum put my x box in the room and now we call it the gaming workout room it looks so better now and more clean but the thing is that I really miss my sister so I call every night and say hi and talk about school but I really wish that she would come home because she's not coming home on the school holidays she's only coming on Christmas holidays.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
My Te Reo
Monday, 10 June 2019
going to Hamilton
Every Monday mornings we get to write what ever we want for only 20 minutes and this is mine for this week.
In the weekend me and my family went to Hamilton to visit my brothers I was so existed to see them. When i saw them at the motel i gave them a huge hug and told them what i did in school. After that Renata told me that he got a new phone from my papa and showed me his new phone then he said he would give me hid old phone when my other brother Raharuhi gets one because Renata told me that when Raharuhi gets a new phone he will tell my dad that they both have a new phone then he will give me his old phone and i can't wait until i get his old phone because i will be able to play games on it and i'm ganna give him a hug and say thank you. On sunday we had to go back home but first we had to drop my brothers off and say good bye then we were on our way to go home.
In the weekend me and my family went to Hamilton to visit my brothers I was so existed to see them. When i saw them at the motel i gave them a huge hug and told them what i did in school. After that Renata told me that he got a new phone from my papa and showed me his new phone then he said he would give me hid old phone when my other brother Raharuhi gets one because Renata told me that when Raharuhi gets a new phone he will tell my dad that they both have a new phone then he will give me his old phone and i can't wait until i get his old phone because i will be able to play games on it and i'm ganna give him a hug and say thank you. On sunday we had to go back home but first we had to drop my brothers off and say good bye then we were on our way to go home.
Friday, 31 May 2019
Monday, 27 May 2019
My Nana's birthday
Every Mondays we get to write what ever we want and this is mine for this week.
This weekend it is going to be Nana's birthday at otiria marae and i'm going to see my cousin's there and have a big feed and my Nana is getting something to put money in so my Nana and my Nan can go on a trip to a place that they would like to go to and I might see my friend there because he just lives next door to the marae so I hope he is home so he could come.I can't wait to give my Nana a gift from me because i want to see her get surprised and i'm getting my Nan a gift and see her get surprised.
Monday, 20 May 2019
my birthday
every Monday mornings we get to write what ever we want for only 20 minutes and this is mine for this week.
Yesterday on Sunday on may the 19th it was my 10th birthday it was so fun because my friends came over and we played rugby and tag but tag started getting boring because my cousin kept on saying i'm not playing anymore all the time when we would tag her she would say that but then she would played with us but my other friend Anthony had to go home.later on my other friend Nikau left and my Nana and Papa and my other Nana left because it started raining then i went inside and said good bye and also said thank you for coming to my birthday.
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
i'm buying me a ps4
every Monday mornings we get to write what ever we want for 20 minutes and this is mine for this week.
On my next birthday i'm buying me a PS4 so i can play with my cousin on fortnite because he is so good at play and i buying it with my birthday money and my Christmas because i have to save so i can buy it and i can't wait until i get it and i'm so excited to play fortnite and i'm gonna play with my best friends.
Monday, 6 May 2019
Monday, 29 April 2019
going to my friends house and seeing my brothers
Every Monday mornings we get to write what ever we want for 20 minutes and this is mine for this week.
In the holidays i got to go over my friends house and we got to ride on his dirt bike and we went for a swim after that we went played hide and seek and then we watched a movie but it was really fun but the dumb thing was that i had to go home the next day but when i go home my brothers were there and i was so happy to see them because with out them it was so boring but i still play with my little brother and i cant wait until they come back for the next holidays because usually they come in 4 week time but this term they dont come until the next holidays.
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Monday, 1 April 2019
seeing my brothers in the holidys
Every Mondays we get to write what ever we want for 20 minutes and this is mine for this week.
On the school holidays my mum and dad are going to pick up my brothers in the holidays.I am so excited to see them because i really miss them at home so i can't wait until they arrive.Then i'm going to tell them that i'm getting a ps4 for my next birthday and they will be wanting a turn when i get it and then i will buy cool games for us to play but on my first birthday before my next birthday i'm getting me a scooter because i want to go to the skate park with my best friends and for our lunch we will have McDonald but we will be having a big feed when it's dinner so when we go to McDonald we will be only having a little snack and my brothers can come with me to the skate park.
Friday, 22 March 2019
we used a program notly and we got to make cool poems about the object that we got and we made poems and we got to change the colour for the textbox
My b day on may the 19th
Every mondays we get to write what ever we want for only 20 minutes and this is mine for term one.
ON may the 19th it is going to be my birthday and i can't wait because i'm going to have a volcano cake because they are nice and i like the icing of it cause it's tasty and yum.I also can't wait because i'm getting a lot of money and i'm going to buy me a scooter so i can go to the skate park with my friends and their names are Kieron,Anthony and Nikau and theyare my best friends because they are friendly fun funny and cool.Then we are going to flip out in Whangarei then we are going to my house and have a big feed but what im going to have for dinner is chicken wings,mashed potatos,peas,marinated chops but i hope my friends get to come so they can have a sleep over and play on my x box and whatch movies.
ON may the 19th it is going to be my birthday and i can't wait because i'm going to have a volcano cake because they are nice and i like the icing of it cause it's tasty and yum.I also can't wait because i'm getting a lot of money and i'm going to buy me a scooter so i can go to the skate park with my friends and their names are Kieron,Anthony and Nikau and theyare my best friends because they are friendly fun funny and cool.Then we are going to flip out in Whangarei then we are going to my house and have a big feed but what im going to have for dinner is chicken wings,mashed potatos,peas,marinated chops but i hope my friends get to come so they can have a sleep over and play on my x box and whatch movies.
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